The Snow Queen: Mirror Lands (2018) Tamil Full Movie Online TamilCrow | MovieCrow | TamilGun | TamilYogi | TamilRockers | Tamilian | TamilDhool | Tamilarasan | TamilMV | Tamilprint | Tamilkolly | TamilPlay | Isaimini | Isaidub | Moviesda


The Snow Queen: Mirror Lands (2018)
 IMDB Rating:

5.6/10 from 640 votes IMDb


Adventure Animation Comedy

 Starring by:

Anton Eldarov Lori Gardner Nikolay Bystrov

 Directed by:

Alex Tsitsilin Robert Lence


China Cyprus Russia





 Story Plot: A mighty king has lost his family because of the Snow Queen. He finds a way to expel all magic creatures from his world to Mirrorlands. Gerda and Snow Queen, along with all wizards and magicians, have to forget their offenses and disputes to defend their right to exist and not to allow fairytales to disappear from our lives.
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