Snake Island Python (2022) Tamil Full Movie Online TamilCrow | MovieCrow | TamilGun | TamilYogi | TamilRockers | Tamilian | TamilDhool | Tamilarasan | TamilMV | Tamilprint | Tamilkolly | TamilPlay | Isaimini | Isaidub | Moviesda


Snake Island Python  (2022)
 IMDB Rating:

5.5/10 from 100 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Action Adventure

 Starring by:

Ming Cen Wang Yang Wei Liu

 Directed by:

Zhiwen Li







 Story Plot: A young boy, lost in a mysterious jungle, discovers a magical tree. Surround by giant deadly pythons, the tree protects him, saving his life until he is rescued. Many years later, that young boy has grown up and become a biological researcher, exploring the secrets of genes. He travels with a group of people to find the magical tree again, with the hope that it may have the answers to some of mankind’s ailments. Unfortunately, some people in the group have ulterior motives, hoping to benefit from the tree’s magic for their own personal gain. However, they soon realize that they are not alone in this jungle. Something is watching them, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
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