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Plot  (2024)
 IMDB Rating:

5.5/10 from 897 votes

  Original Name:


Crime Thriller

 Starring by:

Gayatri Gupta Kishore Sajiv Pasala Santhosh Nadivada Vikas Muppala

 Directed by:

Bhanu Bhava Tharaka







 Story Plot: Rahul and Deepu go into hiding in Yemmiganur. Deepu is being tracked by Sameer, the brother of the man she killed in Hyderabad. Rahul, while trying to sell his house to leave the country with Deepu, cracks the real estate business and becomes a success. When Sameer comes looking, they kill him and bury him in a land that Rahul is selling. When everything appears to start going in Rahul’s way, a stranger threatens him to stop his business. When Rahul begins to probe who the stranger is, he finds out more about himself and his past and their common history.
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