Chasing (2023) Tamil Full Movie Online TamilCrow | MovieCrow | TamilGun | TamilYogi | TamilRockers | Tamilian | TamilDhool | Tamilarasan | TamilMV | Tamilprint | Tamilkolly | TamilPlay | Isaimini | Isaidub | Moviesda


Chasing  (2023)
 IMDB Rating:

5.5/10 from 5,600 votes

  Original Name:


Action Crime

 Starring by:

Imman Annachi Shankar Guru Raja Varalaxmi Sarathkumar

 Directed by:

K. Veerakumar







 Story Plot: When a group of people find themselves in a jungle, they realize that they are on a completely different planet and it’s home to a race of extraterrestrial hunters. The group consists of a mercenary known as Royce, an IDF sniper known as Isabelle, a Russian Spetsnaz known as Nikolai, a drug cartel enforcer known as Cuchillo, an RUF officer known as Mombasa, a death row inmate known as Stans, a Yakuza assassin known as Hanzo, and an American doctor known as Edwin. It’s up to these 8 individuals to stop their hunters and get off the planet.
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