The Secret Weapon (2021) Tamil Full Movie Online TamilCrow | MovieCrow | TamilGun | TamilYogi | TamilRockers | Tamilian | TamilDhool | Tamilarasan | TamilMV | Tamilprint | Tamilkolly | TamilPlay | Isaimini | Isaidub | Moviesda


The Secret Weapon (2021)
 IMDB Rating:

6.7/10 from 32 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Action Drama

 Starring by:

Napatsakron 'Tak' Mitaim Ticha Wongthipkanont Wanchana Sawatdee

 Directed by:

Nopachai Chaiyanam







 Story Plot: Joy is a former soldier, daughter of the Land Marine who was assassinated while on a mission. Joy was approached by a warrior, a close friend of her late father, to join the 'Project Busaba', a project to train tough girls to be assassins to serve the nation. She decided to join the project and passed the test, becoming an assassin under the code 'Busaba 029'. However, while she is doing missions, 'Busaba 029' finds suspicious things about her father and the project itself.
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